[Get.mMc6] The Electron Theory A Popular Introduction to the New Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
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From the PREFACE. In 1811 — nearly a hundred years ago — Avogadro promulgated the important law which bears his name, and which gives expression to the fact that all the more perfect gases, when reduced to the same pressure and temperature, will contain within a given volume the same number of gaseous molecules. The fact was established: but the reason why it is so was not then understood, nor till long afterwards, when in the forties and fifties of the last century some of the activities that go on within gases became gradually known. Until these later dates it was erroneously supposed, even by careful students of nature, that natural objects which to our senses appear at rest — such as stones, coins, books, air which has been left for a long time undisturbed within a room — are in reality devoid of any internal motion. As to gases, one of the illustrations made use of in those days to help students to picture what they were supposed to be like, was that the molecules of a gas may perhaps resemble the stationary bubbles of a froth, which by expanding when warmed, contracting when cooled, and by pressing against one another and against the walls of a containing vessel, behave in these respects very much like a gas. Under this view, Avogadro's Law was expressed by saying that the bubbles, or quasi-bubbles, are all of the same size whatever the gas may be, provided that they are compared with one another when at the same temperature and pressure. It was about sixty years ago when there appeared the first glimmerings of the knowledge which has since ripened into that which we now possess, that neither the molecules of any natural object nor the parts of which those molecules consist are ever at rest; that, on the contrary, swift and orderly movements are ever in progress among them and within them; and that where bodies appear to us to be stationary, it is only because this great internal activity is on too small a scale, the parts moving too tiny, and the motions subject to too rapid changes of direction for senses like ours even when assisted by the microscope to obtain any suggestion that all this activity is going forwards. Accordingly, until other means than direct observation of arriving at the truth were discovered, every one remained under the delusion that the objects about us on the earth could be "brought to rest" — i.e. absolutely freed from every motion except the celestial motion, which is consequent upon their being on a planet which rotates upon an axis, revolves in an orbit round the sun, and accompanies the solar system in its peregrinations through space.... Transistor - 101science.com Learn and research transistors science chemistry biology physics math astronomy electronics and much more. 101science.com is the internet science PORTAL to ... Engine List - Atomic Rockets - projectrho.com Artwork by Dean Ellis (for The Last Hurrah Of The Golden Horde) There is a nice basic overview of propulsion systems here. You can spend lots of time researching ... Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia Maxwell's equations are a set of partial differential equations that together with the Lorentz force law form the foundation of classical electromagnetism ... Magnetism Article about magnetism by The Free Dictionary magnetism force force commonly a "push" or "pull" more properly defined in physics as a quantity that changes the motion size or shape of a body. Force is a ... Electronics - Mobile Friendly 2. BASIC ELECTRICITY. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM BASICS -It all starts with the electrons moving around atoms. Electricity is the movement of ... Albert Einstein - Wikipedia Albert Einstein was born in Ulm in the Kingdom of Wrttemberg in the German Empire on 14 March 1879. His parents were Hermann Einstein a salesman and engineer ... Consciousness and the New Physics - William James.Com Consciousness and the New Physics. Space-Time According to Einstein. The special theory of relativity formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905 is based on the ... Early Developments in Atomic Theory - Quantum Theory and ... The development of quantum theory was arguably many centuries in the making. As early as the 5th Century B.C. the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus first ... KryssTal : An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Part One - The Story of The Atom In the essay on Relativity I stated that the Theory of Relativity was one of the two most important ideas of 20th Century science. Measurement in Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Measurement is an integral part of modern science as well as of engineering commerce and daily life. Measurement is often considered a hallmark of the scientific ...
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